Let’s just skip over the fact that this is the first time I’m writing since…oh, a few years….What? No one said I was particularly great at this. At least I’m trying! So, here’s my attempt to be a faithful blog writer. Plus, I have a little more motivation this time around. You see, the hubs and I are getting ready to embark on an adventure for a year. Meaning that this little blog of mine is my connection with my Columbia people (and others). With that, I am now dedicating this amount of cyberspace to all things travel, adventure, moving, etc. You get the point. I mean, let’s be real, I will most likely insert the occasional life lesson learned, but this is a way for me to feel close to my home while being so terribly far away. And with that, I dub the Life-Traveler the official traveling site! (Fun fact: I named it that before I even knew moving out West was an option…t’was fate, I suppose.)