Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It comes in 3’s

I’m not sure if this is a new pattern for the Skaggs’s tribe or if it’s just how the last few years have lined up.  Welcoming a new year often causes people to reflect on the previous 12 months and lessons learned while remembering impactful events.  I must say that 2013 was an incredible year for Josh and me (maybe my favorite so far).  But, so was 2010…and very similar to this one we just finished, might I add.


-We got married

-I graduated from college

-Josh graduated from med school

-Josh started residency

-I started my first “big girl” job


-I graduated from my Masters program

-Josh finished residency

-We moved cross-country!

-Josh started his new job(s)

See what I mean?  Pretty similar, huh?  Well, with all the change in 2010 and again 3 years later, I have to say that big events have a great way of shaping people.  Or at least me.  I am thankful for all the experiences back then, and I am thankful for the ones these past 12 months.  I truly can’t imagine what 2014 will look like for us, because I would never have dreamed that we’d be where we are today.  In a way, it’s exciting not knowing (although sometimes a little heads up would be nice).

Annnndd, here comes the sappy part: Thank you everyone who invested in us and added to our lives over the past 3 years.  As we get ready to go into our 4th year as man and wife, I would be remiss if I gushed about all of our adventures and didn’t include you in it.  Because, honestly, you’re a main reason we are the people we are today and are able to fully enjoy the adventures we have, knowing that we are loved and supported.

My prayer for 2014 is that you, dear reader, will experience adventure and love to the fullest, because every year has the potential to be the best year yet!  Happy New Year, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Awww well said Court!! Thank you for YOUR encouragement...it's been such a blessing to get to know you better, and that's so funny to say considering our hubbies are SO well acquainted. We just haven't had all of the time together that they have had ;) BUT, I look forward to many more amazing times of getting to know you better, cause you crack me up and you are wise beyond your years! ;) I know God has your 2014 full of love and more pleasant surprises as you continue trusting in Him every day! Love you! (PS, I am now following you!!)
