Monday, August 2, 2010

life of the unemployed

I woke up this morning to an alarming question.  What am I going to do today?  Typically, this is not such a hard question, but since Josh worked all last night, I am bound to a silent work day.  I could continue to paint the desperate baseboards, but I spent all last week painting the bathroom red.  I need a few more days to recooperate.  I could clean, but I just did a ceiling to floor sweep on Saturday.  Our blue room is practically done being decorated and our kitchen has no room for decoration, so what's a girl to do?

While I am mulling over the possibilities, I hear a large animal in the garage let out a pathetic whine.  Ah, Kaiser.  The faithful dog whose very existence depends on me.  Normally, he would be inside with me following me from room to room, but his clanky nails on our hard floor wake up my light-sleeper husband.  Therefore,  he is confined to the garage until 4 when the sleeping man emerges from his den.  I feel bad for the poor thing.  All he wants is some lovin.

Then, here is my thought: I have no deadlines or homework.  I have no appointments or staff meetings.  On this particular sunny day of my life, I am free to do whatever I want.  And since it is a sunny day, I will take my favorite dog to the river.  It has been our bonding place since we got him last summer.  I'm not scared to take him to the somewhat sketchy place alone, because most people will not approach a doberman.  In fact, I've had many people jump off the path or run in the other direction at the sight of him.  Little do they know, he doesn't know how to bite.  So, without wasting more time that could be spent at the river with my big puppy, I am off.

So long blog-readers.  Until next time!

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