Tuesday, August 3, 2010

He loves me...

I have discovered one of the most wonderful things about my dear husband.  It is something I have always known, just never taken the time to understand.  I'm foolish for not noticing this sooner: He loves deeply.

Let me back up and explain.  I am currently using his computer while he uses mine in another room.  I'm not sure why, it just happened that way.  I started scrolling through the pictures on his computer.  He has some on here from 2003!  I found an album titled "Mom."  It contains pictures of her from her time with them as children until her last days in this world.  Most of them are pictures of just her.  Some are with her husband or daughter.  Then there are some with her son.  As I flipped, I started crying.  He loved her so much.  I know sons love their moms, but he loved her.  There's a particular picture that grabbed me.  It's nothing really special.  She's laughing and Josh is in the background laughing as well, but he's looking straight at her.  To me, it just seems like they had fun together.  Like she was such an understanding and sweet spirit.  She wasn't worried about digging too deep into her children's lives.  She adored them and they adored her. 

I kept flipping (and crying).  The more I saw into the life of my husband, the more I understood what he felt for his family.  I've known that he is a loyal friend.  He would do anything for those he loves, but I never realized how deeply he allowed himself to love people.  When he cares, he will care full-force and forever.  I see it in the pictures with his sister and his dad, too.  He loves to love.

The best part about all this is that I'm part of it too.  He loves me.  Not only that, but he loves me more than he loved his mom, more than he loves his dad, and more than he loves his sister.  He loves me so much that he committed himself to me for the rest of our lives.  This small, but huge, realization knocks me off my feet.  My husband loves to love me.

And while I am on this train of thought, I need to add another aspect.  My husband loves me more than I can understand and I love him more than he can understand.  If that's true, I can't even begin to think about what Jesus feels for us.  To have Him be the Creator of massive stars and planets and know details about the molecules of other galaxies, to grow trees in the remotest parts of the forest and keep them alive for hundreds of years without the slightest attention from anyone or anything else while still dwelling so intimately inside each child of God?  It blows my mind.  I do not understand love.  That's ok, though.  I like it.

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