Sunday, July 21, 2013

Just the beginning

Whew!  It feels strange to sit here in Terrell, TX writing about this adventure that we’ve been planning on since October!  Never in a million years did I imagine that I’d be living in an RV and moving to different cities every few months.  But, alas, here I am with my little family doing just that. 

I’ll back up for all of you new-comers (welcome!).  My husband just finished his last year of residency in Emergency Medicine.  So, we began looking for possible places to move.  Before we got married and before he started residency, we made an agreement.  We would stay in Columbia, SC for 3 years (the duration of his program) and then we would move anywhere in the US after that.  Columbia was obviously for me since he is an MK (missionary kid) and is used to picking up every few years and starting over.  At the time, I figured we’d find a nice city and settle for a few years until we decided to start a family.  After looking at several job options, Josh discovered locum tenens.  Basically, the company we’re with has a list of hospitals that need extra ER help, we choose where we want to go from that list and stay for however long or short we want!  This is right up his alley!  So, instead of renting apartments and trying to get a one-month lease here or a 3-month lease there, we bought an RV and decided to just move our home with us.  Less hassle in the long run because we don’t have to pack everything up every time we leave an area.

So, our first stop on this year-long excursion is DALLAS, TEXAS!  We couldn’t get an RV spot closer to the city (that’s a story for a different day), so we are staying about 45 minutes outside in a little town called Terrell.  We haven’t really explored it yet, because we just got in last night, but I’m sure we’ll venture out today.

Our plan right now (which is as firm as sand) is to stay in Dallas for 3 months then head on to Colorado or Utah (skiing months, ya know?).  After that, we’re thinking we might try out a few different places in Cali to see what we can discover. 

This is really just a chance for us to travel around and enjoy our time while we don’t have any other obligations (i.e. babies).  I wasn’t too excited about this idea at first.  Stability is my friend.  But, now I’m so happy to be here and see what this year is going to hold for us.

I’ll write another post soon giving you a grand tour of our new home and explaining what it’s like to travel to TX with 3 vehicles, 2 people, and 1 dog.  And since I’m having technical difficulties, I’ll post pictures next time.  But, now, I believe I hear Dallas beckoning me to come explore!


  1. Wow, this is so exciting Courtney! You are one special woman to be willing to do this! I am so looking forward to following you on your blog and hearing about this adventure. Love you Girl! Love Bethany over in S. Sudan

  2. Girl you are so brave! Love you! Josh is soooo blessed to have you!

  3. i'm visiting you in cali!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i miss you already. : )
