Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Kinda Sorta

I’m ready to write now.  I haven’t been, because I know that the purpose of this blog for now is to keep me busy as I am on the road for a year.  And honestly, being on the road for a year SCARE ME SO MUCH, so I choose to ignore all things related!  I know it’s an awesome opportunity that most people will not ever get to experience, but it’s not an experience that I particularly welcomed.

It’s been a draining past few weeks.  We packed up our entire house (purged the house of “stuff” that has accumulated for years), donated about 10 carloads to Goodwill (you’re welcome, thrifters), and started packing up the RV (which still needs a name).  That’s exhausting for someone who has only moved from one side of town to the other.  Hence, the idea of being away from “home” where all of my family and best friends live for an entire year has been so freakin’ scarey.  Clearly I lack a sense of adventure, but I’m working on it.

My house is quiet right now, which is kinda perfect.  My dog has gone to stay with his new family (TEMPORARY family, twas in the agreement between puppy and me), Josh is working the night shift, and the clock that ticks has been put into storage.  Silence- exactly what I need. 

One of my dear friends came over earlier for dinner and as she left, she handed me a card.  She’s incredibly wise and insightful so I would love to just copy and paste her entire card onto here, but that seems impersonal.  Instead, I shall share with you just a few of her pearls of wisdom, because they came at just the right silent moment.

“I don’t think there is a ‘life highway,’ where bathroom breaks and detours are deviations from your intended path.  I don’t think you follow life, but that life ‘follows’ you…Could it be that these next 365 days, God has known about from before you were born?  I think so.  I no longer view this as a ‘detour” or hiatus from your life.  This time was planned!”

Whew.  I have truly amazing friends.  While I’m not completely ready to leave and find out what waits for the Skaggs tribe over this next year, I’m getting there.  The Lord has slowly but faithfully been changing my heart.  I know that He is intentional and purposeful.  Initially, this trip did feel like a detour to me.  Selfishly, I felt like I was having to put my life on hold while my husband got to go on an adventure (totally ignoring the fact that he sacrifices for me all the time!).  I am starting to realize now that “no, Courtney, you’re life is going in a different direction, but it’s not a detour.”  What do we do with different directions?  We keep going until the road ends.

I like this no detour business.  Like I said, the Lord is intentional and purposeful.  He doesn’t need detours.  So.  While I’m not totally ready to hit to road, I’m more excited, because THANK GOODNESS I’m not alone in this thing called life.  Annndddd, THANK GOODNESS my God’s ways are greater than my own (because I’d probably be living in the same house in the same town 100 years from now- not that there’s anything wrong with that).


  1. this was great. so glad to know this! :)i am excited for this new direction!

  2. Thanks for sharing this Courtney! So encouraging!!
